anne wilson

drawing room

Anne Wilson Drawing Room Project

drawing room participant texts

participant texts Arda Asena_06_15_23_Davis Street Drawing Room.pdf Aviva Alter_the mess_the love_10_12_22_Davis Street Drawing Room.pdf (330KB) Carrie Olivia Adams_03_03_2023_Davis Street Drawing Room Casey Carsel_01_19_2023_Davis Street Drawing Room.pdf (200KB) Christie Valentin-Bati_10_29_22_Davis Street Drawing Room (90KB) Ellen Kenston_04_01_23_Davis Street Drawing Room (31KB) Emilka Wolniewicz_10_20_22_Davis Street Drawing Room (118KB) Erica Maria Littlejohn_09_14_22_Davis Street Drawing Room (38KB) Gervais Marsh_poem BRIDGE_12_19_22_Davis

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drawing room research/press

research/press Davis Street Drawing Room 01_Anne Wilson_INTRODUCTION_Drawing Room.pdf 02_Anne Wilson_Diagram of Davis Street Drawing Room space 03_Anne Wilson_Prompts for Close Looking 04_Anne Wilson_Digital microscope instructions 05_Anne Wilson_A True Story about a Linen Bed Sheet_Ruth Gawthrop Essays Anne Wilson’s artwork Anne Wilson_Decorating Stains_Ren Ewart_2021 Anne Wilson_Domestic Ritual in Art of Anne Wilson_Elizabeth A. Richards_2006 Anne Wilson_TOPOLOGIES

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Anne Wilson Drawing Center performance

drawing room introduction

Anne Wilson, Introduction to the Davis Street Drawing Room  (2022 – 2023) The Davis Street Drawing Room is an experimental and public facing art project. Textile parts, excavations from years of Anne Wilson’s art-making, form an archive displayed over multiple horizontal surfaces and walls in the studio (or drawing room) on Davis Street in Evanston,

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